Description : Your One Day Course is from 10 am to 5 pm and a light lunch is provided at 1pm.
We will cater for al levels Beginners to advanced.
What to expect form your One Day course. As a complete beginner to Woodturning you will be instructed with some basic skills and techniques to get you started. We will cover Health &Safety, basic design and finishing. The class is structured, so the wood you practise on will eventually be turned into finished items.
You will be using a Woodturning lathe, which spins the wood around while you cut and shape it to the desired shape with sharp Woodturning tools. In this class you will complete a candle stick holder, a two piece lamp, or a two piece pen. The items that you create on the day are yours to bring home.
All equipment and materials are provided, if however you have some Woodturning tools you should bring them along and you are welcome to use them. Full face visors are provided and must be worn at all times even if you have eye glasses.
Area : Dunshaughlin
Location : Meath
Fee (€) : 130 (BUY NOW)
Duration : 1 day (10 am to 5 pm)
Start Date : ongoing (phone for details)
Course Tutor : Joe Laird (wood turning professional)
Level : beginners | intermediate | advanced
Who should apply : Young/old/male/female/beginners - advanced...Anybody with an interest in wood turning
How to apply : Phone or email us today or go to for more information.
Comments : The Description above is for a beginner’s classes however more advanced classes are available.--- Full day classes at present are held every 2nd or 3rd week depending on demand. During school term, these one day classes are held on Fridays and Saturdays only. When all evening courses are finished we will return to mid week days also and again depending on demand.