Weekly Classes

To encourage a social environment teenagers and adults are allocated separate teaching times. Currently, weekly courses are available at 3 levels for adults and 2 levels for teens:

Woodturning level 1

Woodturning level 2
Woodturning level 3
Woodturning level 1 for teens
Woodturning level 2 for teens

Woodturning level 1 (entry level)

Description : This is a ten week course consisting of Ten 2 hour lessons based over eleven weeks. We will stop for one week which is mid term break. Attendance is important as the class is structured and progresses each week.

What to expect form your ten week course. As a complete beginner to woodturning you will be instructed with basic woodturning skills and techniques to get you started. We will cover Health &Safety, basic design and finishing. The class is structured, so the wood you practice on will eventually be turned into finished items. You will be using a woodturning lathe, which spins the wood around while you cut it to the desired shape with sharp woodturning tools.

In this course you will practice on soft woods and hard woods. A candle stick holder, a two piece lamp and an egg cup are the items you will make if you complete the course The items that you create are yours to bring home.

All equipment and materials are provided.

Fee (€) : 250 (BUY NOW)

Duration : 10 weeks (2 hour class)

Start Date : week beginning 23rd Jan 2012

Times: Times and dates for all of our classes and events are available on our public Calendar.

Course Tutor : Joe Laird (wood turning professional)

Level : Level 1 (Beginners)

Who should apply : Young/old/male/female...Anybody with an interest in wood turning.
*Teens from 12 years and up should apply for the teens class to ensure they are with students within their own age group.

How to apply : Phone or email us today.


Woodturning level 2

*This is a continuation class from our beginner’s class 1.

As before this is a ten week structured course and consists of ten 2 hour lessons based over eleven weeks. We will stop for one week due to mid term break. Most of our classes run alongside VEC time tables so we make every effort to follow their school closure times also. 

In this class we will be working a lot more with the skew chisel and you will produce one or two items made with this tool only. Its good fun and will give you great encouragement when you see the finish that can be achieved with the skew chisel.

Now we will start on bowl turning, covering basic design, where the bowl comes from in the tree and why, preparing bowl blanks and holding them on the lathe safely.
We will make two small bowls on this course and both will start out as identical bowl blanks. After you complete your first bowl we will start the second bowl immediately and we will play with a new design for this one. You will be amazed at how well a simple little design on this bowl will alter the appearance and change this bowl completely. All bowls on this course are finished with oils that are food safe and can be used in the home if required.

At this stage you should have built up good confidence on the lathe and have good tool control with your wood turning tools. We will now make a lidded box which is a very exciting and challenging project. Again we will go through all the ifs, buts’, and why’s ECT and we will complete the project by week 10 bringing this course to its end.

All materials and equipment are provided for on this course; if you have some wood turning tools of your own you should bring them along and use them if you wish.
Full face shields are provided and must be worn at all times even if you have eye glasses.

Fee (€) : 250 (BUY NOW)

Duration : 10 weeks (2 hour class)

Start Date : week beginning 23rd Jan 2012

Time: Times and dates for all of our classes and events are available on our public Calendar. Separate teens class available here also.

Course Tutor : Joe Laird (wood turning professional)

Level : Level 2 (Beginners)

Who should apply : Anybody with an interest in wood turning and has completed the level 1 course or equivalent.
*Teens from 12 years and up should apply for the teens class to ensure they are with students within their own age group.

How to apply : Phone or email us today or go to www.joelairdwoodturning.com for more information.


Woodturning level 3

Description : This is a continuation class from our level 2 class. As before this is a ten week structured course and consists of ten 2 hour lessons based over eleven weeks. We will stop for one week due to mid term break.

After completing the level 1 and level 2 courses, the student should now have a good grounding in woodturning techniques. This course allows the student to advance further those skills through structured projects in a safe environment and under the tutelage of an accomplished woodturner.

All equipment and materials are provided, if however you have some Woodturning tools of your own, you should bring them along and you are welcome to use them. Full face visors are provided and must be worn at all times even if you have eye glasses. 

Fee (€) : 250 (BUY NOW)

Duration : 10 weeks (2 hour class)

Start Date : week beginning 23rd Jan 2012

Time: Times and dates for all of our classes and events are available on our public Calendar. Separate teens class available here also.

Course Tutor : Joe Laird (wood turning professional)

Level : Level 3

Who should apply : Woodturning enthusiasts that have completed our level 2 course or equivalent 

How to apply : Phone or email us today

Gift Vouchers Available

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Why not treat your loved ones with the perfect gift for any occasion, a gift voucher from Joe Laird wood turning studios. A wide range of vouchers are available for classes and artwork. Gift Vouchers.

Special offer

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Sandpaper € 3.00 from our online store.

Special offer

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Woodoc sealers from € 15.50 from our online store.